Networking, Social, and Influencer Marketing: the Common Thread

Ever been to a networking event and met that guy who is just rapid-fire handing out business cards and talking about how great he is? Ever received an email from a marketer asking you to do something for her, with no reciprocal value? And we’ve all seen the automated, non-engaged Twitter accounts trying to sell you on best practices for being social, right?

What is truly missing from each of these? An authentic human element. So often people get caught up in their own “gimme gimme” bubble, that they don’t focus on giving. They don’t consider what you or their customers are actually getting out of the relationship. And they forget that quality relationships are reciprocal.

In a recent podcast with Temitayo Osinubi, I discuss all three of these arenas: networking, influencer marketing, and social media, and my personal successes that have come from being genuine, authentic, and an actual human. Listen below.

For the TL;DL (too long, didn’t listen) crowd, here are some takeaways:

  • 4:19 – How to network the right way, and how it could get you a job
  • 10:50 – Why curiosity is a marketer’s best friend
  • 19:40 – The importance of listening in marketing
  • 25:40 – Ways to get the most out of in-person events

  • There is that and a lot more in this great conversation we had. Take a listen and let me know what you think!

    Subscribe to Temitayo Osinubi’s Marketing Disenchanted podcast here.

    Author: robzie

    I am a marketing professional with a specific interest in creating connections through social media and digital marketing. Confessed coffee addict, social media nerd, and office supplies junkie. Feel free to contact me and start up a conversation!

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